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Proxylane,Hydroxypropyltetrahydropyranetriol ,is a glycoprotein mixture from xylose extracted from beech tree. Boseline can stimulate the production and synthesis of mucopolysaccharides (GAGs), promote the generation of hyaluronic acid and collagen.
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Proxylane,Hydroxypropyltetrahydropyranetriol ,is a glycoprotein mixture from xylose extracted from beech tree. Boseline can stimulate the production and synthesis of mucopolysaccharides (GAGs), promote the generation of hyaluronic acid and collagen, change the adhesion between dermis and epidermis, induce the synthesis of components of dermis and epidermis, promote the regeneration of damaged tissues, help maintain the elasticity of dermis, prevent skin aging, and achieve the anti-aging effect.

【CAS No.】:439685-79-7

Registration No.:100316-06182-1581

【Maximum Usage】
 Resident Products:/;Rinsing Products:10%

Specification】:30% Liquid,98% Powder HPLC

Function:Keep skin elastic and prevent aging

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Tel:+86551 68139928

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Addr:Building 20#, Liandong U Valley , Kongquetai Road At West Huguang Road, High-tech Zone, Hefei , Anhui

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