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Abscisic acid, alias: abscisin, dormant element. A plant hormone that inhibits growth. It is named after its ability to cause leaves to fall off.
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    Abscisic acid, alias: abscisin, dormant element. A plant hormone that inhibits growth. It is named after its ability to cause leaves to fall off. It may be widely distributed in higher plants. In addition to promoting leaf abscission, it also has other functions, such as making buds enter dormancy, promoting potato to form tubers, etc. It also inhibits cell elongation.

【CAS No.】:    21293-29-8     
【Nmae】:    Abscisic acid   
【Formula】:    C15H20O  

【Application】: Promote abscission, inhibit growth, promote dormancy, cause stomatal closure, regulate the development of seed embryo, and promote stress resistance.

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